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In addition to premade Showit themes, I offer custom Wordpress and Showit blog and website design as well as standalone logos and brand styling. 

Custom design 

blog + website design, logos and brand styling 



Stop worrying about algorithms and compromised profiles and extend your brand securely and safely with a custom blog or website.  YOU own the domain, YOU own the hosting, YOU are in full control of the user experience.  Let Little Blue Deer help you today.  

It's time to elevate your brand

are you on instagram or tiktok?

love my premade showit templates, but looking for something more customized?

Fully Custom Blog, Web + Logo Design

If you're looking for more than just a premade Showit template, I can design a fully customi blog or website in either Wordpress or Showit.  View my services and pricing below. 

I specialize in interior design websites and branding, and my clients have been featured in these publications

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  • A fully customized blog design on either the Wordpress or Showit platform, including custom blog header, coordinating graphics and colorways, static About and Contact page and full homepage design

  • A blog is the best way to keep your content fresh and updated on Google, is SEO-friendly and helps you rank higher in Google.  If you're on Instagram or Tik Tok, it's a great way to  extend your personal brand

Wordpress or Showit

Custom blog design


Custom blog header | Sidebar setup and coordination | Category page setup | About and Contact pages | Social Sharing buttons | Off Canvas Menu

starting at $500 USD

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  • Microsite design starting at $750 including 4 pages: Home, About, Portfolio or Gallery and Contact
  • Full website design includes 8+ pages with multiple galleries/portfolios if needed

Are you looking for a fully customized website, meticulously curated to match your brand?  I have been designing websites since 2009 and am familiar with all of the best practices and latest innovations

 Wordpress or Showit


Custom Website design

starting at $750 USD


Custom site header | Sidebar setup and coordination | Category page setup | About and Contact pages | Social Sharing buttons | Off Canvas Menu

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  • I am one of the few designers who offers a standalone logo and does not require you to purchase a full branding suite
  • Establish or elevate your brand with a completely custom logo design handcrafted by Little Blue Deer

Complete Brand Styling

Logo Design + Branding

starting at $500 USD

Optional add-ons include:

business card setup | letterhead setup | custom brand board | social media graphics | email signature | and more


Did you order a premade Showit template and would like to have it customized further?  

Showit customization


Showit customization

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Love your premade Showit template but want a fully custom, standalone logo?  I can help.  

logo design for showit


contact me

I can design a completely custom blog or website in Wordpress or Showit.  I have been designing in Wordpress since 2009.

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Client work

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Meet Quotidienne, a classic feminine boho vibe with gorgeous details and a fresh summer feel.  Easy to edit and customize, built to convert.


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Tired of cookie-cutter feminine Showit templates?  Meet Nikita, an edgy and out of the box socially conscious template built to grab attention and nurture a vibrant community. 


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I have been building interior design websites for almost 20 years.  Get the look and feel of an elevated custom interior design site at a fraction of the price.
